Relevant Information Concerning Mouthwash

Although mouthwash should never be substituted as a replacement for either brushing or flossing your teeth, it remains a highly effective oral health care treatment tool to consider as a supplementary cleaning utensil for your oral health care. Be aware that mouthwash products vary depending on the benefits they are seeking to achieve. Some mouthwash products focus on freshening breath,... read more »

Repairing a Large Cavity with an Inlay or Onlay

Premolars and molars have grooves and fissures that help those teeth to chew food. Unfortunately, bacteria and plaque can collect in those areas. If they aren’t thoroughly cleaned, cavities can develop. If left unchecked, a cavity may become too large for the dentist to repair it with a filling. When a tooth is in this condition your dentist might recommend... read more »

Simple Tips to Ensure Strong Teeth for the Rest of Your Life

Strong teeth require strong oral hygiene habits. However, that doesn’t mean you have to dedicate every second of your life to oral health care. A few minutes a day can be the difference of a broken smile and mouth masterpiece. To ensure your terrific oral health lasts as long as you do, try these simple tips to ensure strong teeth... read more »