Achievements in Dentistry: Mouthwash

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Are you aware of all the benefits that mouthwash can offer? Although it is most often linked to providing treatments for bad breath, mouthwash can also be used to provide several other cosmetic and oral health benefits. For more information about mouthwash, and to test your knowledge on mouthwash and what it can do for you, we invite you to take the following quiz:

Question 1: Which of the following is a type of mouthwash?
A: teeth whitening mouthwash
B: therapeutic mouthwash
C: cosmetic mouthwash
D: all of the above

Question 2: Which of the following are benefits of mouthwash?
A: to whiten teeth
B: to freshen breath
C: to help prevent the buildup of plaque
D: to help treat and eliminate bad breath
E: all of the above

Question 3: Which of the following is not a type of mouthwash product?
A: teeth whitening mouthwash
B: dental filling mouthwash
C: cosmetic and therapeutic mouthwash
D: mouthwash with fluoride

Question 4: Which of the following are treatments for mouthwash?
A: to help slow the rate of tartar
B: to help eliminate the bacteria responsible for bad breath
C: to help reduce plaque buildup in your mouth or even remove stains or discolorations
D: all of the above

For more information about teeth-cleaning products such as mouthwash, you can speak with Dr. Sean and Dr. Sepi. Just call Plaza Dental Care at 707-642-1360 and set up your appointment with our caring dentists in Vallejo, California.

Answer Key:
D, E, B, D